Breastfeeding Twins What I Wish Someone Told Me [Part 2]


Breastfeeding twins can be a lot go work. Try these tips that every mother should know about! Feeding My Kid is a great website for parents, filled with all the information you need about how to raise your kids, from healthy tips to nutritious recipes. #breastfeeding #breastfeedingtips In this second video you will learn about nursing twins, the great joy in feeding your kids.

Nursing twins can be pretty tiring and difficult. If your child seems upset or frustrated when you are breastfeeding, they may not be getting enough milk. You may be an underproduced. There are plenty of ways to correct this. You have to be sure to drink enough water (when I was pregnant I was drinking up to 30 cups a day!) and also have lactation cookies (they’re good!).

You can also consider consulting a lactation professional who may suggest you take lactation medicine.

Be sure to stimulate breast production by pumping, too.

If your child is falling asleep while breastfeeding, this means they are content and have had enough. This is a good sign. Breastfeeding doesn’t have to last for hours. Sometimes it’s pretty quick.

Be sure to always feed your child in a timely manner and that they drink not just the first part of your breast milk.

There are two types of breast milk consistency. There’s foremilk (this is water and comes first) and hind milk (this is rich with fat and important nutrients and comes second). So before switching your child to the next breast, be sure they have had enough on the first one. So balance feeding your twins so they get hindmilk and foremilk evenly, you’ll have to rotate them.

One of the most important things is you have to be sure to get more sleep. You’ll need more than 45 mins (which is what I was getting) in order to function and be able to produce. So, if you can, you can get a night nanny. A night nanny is really helpful!

So keep breastfeeding and watch the video for many more hints and tips!

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Breastfeeding twins can be a lot go work. Try these tips that every mother should know about! Feeding My Kid is a great website for parents, filled with all the information you need about how to raise your kids, from healthy tips to nutritious recipes. #breastfeeding #breastfeedingtips