Fruit Finger Foods for Babies and Toddlers


Fruit Finger Foods for Babies Toddlers. Baby Lead Weaning and Finger Foods for Babies and Toddlers.Fresh fruit can make some of the best finger foods for your baby or toddler.

Fresh fruit is packed with vitamins and minerals, full of fiber, soft and easy for your little one to eat, and easy for your toddler to hold.

When serving your little one fruit, make sure:

  • it is cut into easy to hold slices or cubes.
  • the skin has been removed (depending on the fruit).
  • round fruits, such as grapes and berries are cut in half.
  • all pits and seeds have been removed.

See our list below for some fresh fruit options and how we suggest to prepare them.

For even more finger food ideas, check out our list of vegetable finger foods and our ultimate list of cooked baby and toddler finger foods.

Not sure about baby feeding milestones? Check out our ultimate guide to introducing solid foods to your baby. 

For more information on feeding your baby finger foods , check out our baby lead weaning article and video.

Check Out More baby Food Recipes Here:

 Apple Slices

Apple-Finger-Foods (1)Peel the skin and cut into slices. Try different types of apples, such as Gala, Pink Lady, Red Delicious or Granny Smith.
image credit: Renee Seltzer





Slice the skin off the top of the banana only. This makes the banana easier for you little one to hold and cuts down on the mess.
image credit: Renee Seltzer



 Plum Slices

 Plum Slices

Plum skin can be eaten, but some children have a hard time eating the skin. You know your baby best. Remove the pit and slice.
image credit: Renee Seltzer


 Baked Mango

 Baked Mango

Baking Mango is an awesome way to add variety to your child’s normal fruit choices. Raw mango can be a bit mushy and messy, but these baked pieces are super baby friendly.

image credit: blwideas
Get the recipe here for Baked Mango

Strawberries, Blueberries And Raspberries

Strawberries, Blueberries And Raspberries

Berries of all types are perfect finger foods! Make sure to slice in half to reduce the choking hazard.

Honeydew Melon

Honeydew Melon

Melons make a delicious and cooling snack for your toddler. Slice into chunks and serve.
image credit: Renee Seltzer


Tangerine / Orange Segments

Tangerine Segments

Tangerines are great because they have smaller segments than other citrus fruits. Depending on your child, you can peel off the thin membrane surrounding each segment.
image credit: Renee Seltzer

Cut Up Grapes

Cut Up Grapes

Before serving your baby grapes, slice them in half as shown above.  Grapes, blueberries and other round fruits can be a choking hazard if not sliced.
image credit: Renee Seltzer

Kiwi Slices

Kiwi Slices

Kiwi’s have a fuzzy brown skin, but are delicious when peeled and sliced. These seeds are ok for your little one to consume.
image credit: Renee Seltzer

Pear Slices

Pear Slices

Pears are super soft and the skins can be eaten. Simply slice up and serve. Older toddlers can even eat the pear whole.
image credit: Renee Seltzer

Watermelon Cubes

Watermelon Cubes

Watermelon is very hydrating and perfect for summer. Cut into cubes or fry shape and serve. Make sure to remove any seeds.

Pineapple Cubes/Slices

Pineapple slices

Pineapple can be cut into slices or cubes. Make sure to discard the center core before cutting.

Peach Slices

Peach Slices

Peaches have a slightly fuzzy skin, but it can be eaten depending on your baby and/or toddler’s eating level. Cut into slices and discard the pit.
image credit: Shutterstock

Variety Of Fresh Fruit

Variety Of Fresh Fruits

image credit: Shutterstock




image credit: Renee Seltzer


Pears Kiwi Strawberry Pineapple

Pears Kiwi Strawberry Pineapple

image credit: Shutterstock

Fruit Bowl

Fruit Bowl

image credit: Shutterstock

Cut Up Fruit

Cut Up Fruit

image credit: Shutterstock

For even more finger food ideas, check out our list of vegetable finger foods and our ultimate list of cooked toddler finger foods.

For more information on feeding your baby finger foods , Check out our baby lead weaning article and video.

Fruit Finger Foods for Babies Toddlers. Baby Lead Weaning and Finger Foods for Babies and Toddlers.

The information on this website is designed for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. Please consult a doctor with any questions or concerns regarding your child’s condition. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses.