Easy Makeup Tips for Moms in Less Than Five Minutes!


Some days I am lucky if I don’t have birds in my hair, nevertheless, getting all dolled up looking gorgeous. Here are some easy makeup hacks and tips to make your mornings easier.

Some days it’s easier to not even try to apply makeup. With these easy makeup tips, you’ll be done with your makeup in less than five minutes. You’ll look fresh faced and well rested, even if it may not be the case!

Easy Makeup Tips Done In Five Minutes

  1. Use a good concealer! This helps illuminate and brighten the area under your eye. Apply in a V shape under the eye and blend it in. Didn’t get a wink of sleep last night? Just use a great concealer to cover it up.
  2. Next, use a powered foundation. It’s the easiest and fastest way to apply foundation. There’s no messy liquid. Pro tip: use circular motions for even coverage
  3. Add some fresh color to the face. All you’ll need is a blush brush and our favorite powder blush. Don’t apply to the apples of your cheek. Instead apply a bit higher for a younger, modern look.
  4. If you’ve only got time for one eyeshadow, go for medium toned matte brown. Apply with long strokes and blend it all out.
  5. Apply gloss instead of lipstick. This is best for anyone in a rush because you don’t have to use lipliner or anything.
  6. Last step! Apply your favorite mascara and you’re done!

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Easy makeup tricks. You'll be done with your makeup in less than five minutes. Moms will look and feel refreshed with these easy tips!


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