Easy 3-Step Homemade Almond Milk Recipe


Did you know that almond milk is really easy to make at home? Forget spending three or four dollars for a half gallon at the grocery store. Buy raw almonds and make your own almond milk at home! With this recipe, just one cup of almonds gets you three cups of nutritious, homemade almond milk.

How Long Can You Store Almond Milk?

You’ll know exactly what’s in this almond milk, how long ago it was made, and how long you can keep it! Normally, your homemade almond milk should last 3-5 days, depending on the quality of your almonds. Just make sure to store it in the fridge. Almond milk and other nut milk is perfect for kids and adults that have dairy allergies.

If your child is taking in too much dairy but loves a cup of milk, almond milk might be a great option.

Homemade almond milk is: low in fat, carbs, free of cholesterol, and naturally lactose-free and sugar-free.

Check out this article on the benefits of drinking almond milk.

Soak Your Almonds in Advance for Almond Milk

Ideally, soak your almonds overnight, so some patience is required 😉  You can normally flavor your almond milk with vanilla and cinnamon.

If you like your almond milk sweeter, you can sweeten it with dates.  Not only do dates have fiber they also have essential vitamins and minerals.

Did you know you can also make your own ice cream using almond milk?

All You Need for this Homemade Almond Milk is:

  • 1 cup whole raw almonds
  •  3.5 cups filtered water (plus more water for soaking)
  • 1/4 tsp cinnamon (optional)
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla (optional)
  • natural sweetener, like dates (optional)
  • nut bag, jelly strainer, cheesecloth, or fine mesh strainer
  • blender


Read Our Other Resources On Fluids, Protein, and Milk:


You won't believe how easy it is to make homemade almond milk! And, saves you money! Three easy steps and you have your very own almond milk.


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