Snacking for Kids Do’s and Don’ts [Video]


Snacking can be helping or hurting your child's weight issues, picky eating ,etc. This is a must pin and read! Kid Snacking Dos and Donts. Get Healthy Snacks Ideas and What Pitfalls To Avoid with KidsHave you thought about what type of snacks your kids are eating?
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I mean, really thought about it?

Watch the video to answer this question and others about snacking.

Check out this article that goes into more depth about snacking. It covers the do’s and don’t of snacking.

Also, check out our discussion board all about snacking where you can ask your specific questions.

Need Snack Ideas? We’ve Got Tons!

Need more snack ideas? Especially what to put into your snack cup? Check out these recipes to make snack time easier for you:

What are some of your child’s favorite snacks?

Share your ideas below in the comments.
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