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I have some huge news to share with you!!

I haven’t sent out many emails over the last 18 months because I had another baby AND I am working on starting a new food line. I’m back and more energized than ever!

Over the last few years, I’ve struggled with finding snacks and meal replacements that I actually wanted to eat and feed to my kiddos. I waited for someone else to come up with this and then when no one else did, I knew I had to.

I know you’re probably super busy, so thank you for taking our survey. Your opinion really matters!  Take our Survey

I am creating a new food line that will make your life easier and hopefully alleviate some of that mom guilt we all feel about what we are eating and what we are feeding our family. It’s going to be an epic mom (and dad) win!

No business should be created in a vacuum. I need to hear from real people like you- about what you think of our brand name and logo….and our goods too.


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