Make Your Own School Supplies With These Budget Friendly DIY Ideas


Check out these back to school DIY supplies you can easily make at home. With just a few tools, you can make your own back to school DIY supplies for your kids. I’ve had my fair share of Pinterest fails, but these are really easy to do.

Using a few, budget friendly supplies, you can make:

  • Pencil pouch: all you need is your favorite fabric design, duct tape, and a hot glue gun.
  • Geometric shaped clipboards: chalkboard paint, dry erase paper and any other embellishments
  • Chalkboard lunch boxes: adhesive chalkboard paper and chalk marker

The cool thing about making these back to school DIY supplies is there is no limit on your creativity. These supplies are customizable for everyone you make them for!

Don’t feel intimidated by these crafts! Even if you’re not a DIY pro, you can still make these cool supplies.

Check Out These Back To School DIY Meal Ideas and Snacks:



Make your own school supplies with this back to school DIY video! Get inspired with these budget-friendly tips to make personalized supplies.

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