Picky Eating Help: Advice from an Occupational Therapist [Part 3]


A conversation with an occupational therapist. Learn everything you need to know about occupational therapy for children. #FeedingMyKid #OccupationalTherapist #advice #kidshealthI talked to Tammy Bishop, an occupational therapist and feeding specialist. She will be answering some great questions about health and nutrition. She’ll teach us that there are plenty of ways to fix unhealthy eating habits.

In this part (part 3 on 3) we will focus on bad habits parents should avoid, what if there’s junk food at a playdate, eating short cuts, picky eating & the rotation rule and much more!

If you liked this video be sure to check out our other videos with Tammy. Also be sure to comment and share!


Check out our other videos:


A conversation with an occupational therapist. Learn everything you need to know about occupational therapy for children. Feeding My Kid is a filled with all the information you need about how to raise your kids, from healthy tips to nutritious recipes. #FeedingMyKid #OccupationalTherapist #advice #kidshealth