Want to Curb Pregnancy Cravings? Here are Some Tips and Tricks!


Pregnancy hunger and cravings can lead to some unhealthy choices. Moms, don’t worry! We know cravings feel like a constant battle and that’s okay! Elle from What’s Up Moms gives tips on what worked for her.

You can use these tips to help you make better decisions on what you eating during your pregnancy. Pregnancy hunger is on another level! Reducing processed foods and sweets is a great way to transition to lifelong healthy eating after your pregnancy.

It’s also important to choose healthier options because your baby eats what you eat.

Pregnancy Hunger and Cravings Tips:

  • Get rid of bad, unhealthy foods from your kitchen do you don’t get tempted.
  • Reduce sugar and processed foods. Try fresh fruits for sweets cravings. Want something crunch like chips? Ditch them and try some crunchy veggies!
  • Portion control is key. Want some ice cream? Have at it, just don’t eat the entire pint! Small portion controlled containers like the one in the video are super helpful.
  • Drink lots of water. This can help with having cravings or just feeling hungry. Sometimes that hungry feeling can just mean we are close to dehydration.

Check Out These Other Great Resources:



Moms, don't worry! We know pregnancy hunger can get the best of you and that's okay! Elle from What's Up Moms gives tips on what worked for her.


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