Healthy Kids Eat Veggies! 5 Ways To Get Your Kid To Eat Veggies


Are you trying to get your kids to eat more veggies? We know parents want healthy kids and the first step in doing that is to teach kids about veggies. You can turn your healthy kids into lifelong healthy eaters by starting right away.

Teach your kids about veggies in infancy, starting with veggie baby foods. Give your kids healthy snacks like veggies and fruit instead of processed snacks including those puffs. Watch the video below to get more fun tips!

Tips To Get Your Healthy Kids To Eat Veggies:

  1. Be persistent. Experts say it can take up to 10-30 times for kids to develop a taste for food, so don’t give up!
  2. Give compliments. Kids love compliments. Things like “broccoli makes you strong” or “healthy kids eat veggies and run super fast” will make your kids want to eat more veggies.
  3. Get kids involved. Go to the grocery store and shop with them. Cook the food together. They are more willing to try foods they cooked.
  4. Use reverse psychology. Saying things like “this is mommy’s broccoli and not Timmy’s” can make your kids want to sample the broccoli off your plate. Parents know that kids want what they can’t have (like mommy’s iPhone!) so use it to your advantage.
  5. Make veggies cool. These moms put on veggies costumes and had a veggie dance party. This showed the kids are much their moms love veggies.

Here Are Some More Feeding My Kid Tps:

Creating healthy kids and lifelong healthy eaters start right at home. Parents can absolutely do this by following these tips. What are some tips you have to create healthy kids and get them to eat veggies? How do you make veggies cool? Hashtag #FeedingMyKid and let us know!



Check out these five easy ways to get kids to eat veggies. Get inspired and teach them about how cool veggies are. Create healthy kids!The information on this website is designed for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. Please consult a doctor with any questions or concerns regarding your child’s condition. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses.